KEMS – Key Elements to Mathematics Success
KEMS is an exciting program that offers on-demand, grade-specific, math lessons for grades 3-8. These engaging lessons and videos are thoughtfully designed to guide students through the discovery of fundamental math concepts. By offering a guided approach, students can explore math principles, allowing for a deeper understanding of each topic.
KEMS has Flexible Solutions for all Types of Instructors
KEMS offers flexible tools that can supplement math instruction for experienced math teachers, or serve as the core instruction with a substitute filling a vacancy.

Experienced Math Teachers
KEMS promotes conceptual understanding of grade level mathematics for students grades 3 through algebra. Teachers infuse these lessons into their current pacing to frontload new content and ensure students have a strong foundation and access to grade level content.
New Math Teachers
KEMS deepens content knowledge and pedagogy for new math teachers. During preservice, elementary teachers often take less than two math methods courses, therefore feel unequip and less confident teaching math. The majority of courses secondary teachers take in preservice are math, with little focus pedagogy planning. With KEMS, the teacher’s edition provides modeling boxes and on-demand professional development videos that build the capacity of the teacher so they are well prepared and confident in how to deliver these lessons with students.

Teacher Vacancies
KEMS provides schools with a tool so that standards-based math instruction is not disrupted, even when there are long-term substitutes that don’t have prior math experience. Lessons are ready to play with a click of the mouse, and students can follow along in their consumable workbooks, and break into groups for hands-on activities with their classmates. The On-Demand Training provides valuable cues on when to pause the video, creating opportunities for cohesive learning. By working together, collaborating, and discussing in groups, students can unlock the keys of math, by enhancing their problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities.
Students Love using KEMS!
With KEMS, students will build conceptual understanding of math concepts by:
- Interactive learning with a workbook and manipulatives
- Making connections about their learning using multiple representations
- Experiencing real-world practice and application using SOLVE, NTN’s problem solving paradigm
- Learning to organize and explain their thinking about math concepts
- Communicating about mathematical thinking in cooperative learning groups
- Providing multiple access points for entry

The KEMS Program Includes:

On-Demand Grade
Specific Math


Digital Teacher

Manipulative Kits for 30 Students

30 Minute On-
Demand Training
NTN strives to partner with each school to meet its math goals and needs. What are you waiting for? Let’s change the mathematics story in your school.
For any questions, please contact Nicole Powers, President, NTN